Max Group
~ 5.6 Days
Combat Training
ۯX5 Gather,Scrap,Events (Discord Support)
ۯNext WIPE 19Day-12-2024 (MAP) 8:05PM
ۯSkin And Building Skins free
ۯCustom map 3k to 4k
ۯKits - Tp to home -Tp to bandit camp
ۯBuy cars and eli..Instant Craft, fast fournace
ۯEvents Convoy,Space,Raidable Bases and more
ۯArena 1vs1 PVP --Defendable Bases
ۯDay 60 minutes Night 7 minutes
ۯMAP WIPE all Thursday 8:05PM (Utc+1)
ۯRespect to other players
ۯNo Cheats, No Vans players
ۯNext WIPE 19Day-12-2024 (MAP) 8:05PM
ۯSkin And Building Skins free
ۯCustom map 3k to 4k
ۯKits - Tp to home -Tp to bandit camp
ۯBuy cars and eli..Instant Craft, fast fournace
ۯEvents Convoy,Space,Raidable Bases and more
ۯArena 1vs1 PVP --Defendable Bases
ۯDay 60 minutes Night 7 minutes
ۯMAP WIPE all Thursday 8:05PM (Utc+1)
ۯRespect to other players
ۯNo Cheats, No Vans players
Wipe History 11 wipes
12.12.2024 - 18:33 UTC
[EU] Mortal x5 [Solo-Duo][Kits-tphome-NOBP] PVE-PVP
05.12.2024 - 18:59 UTC
[EU] Mortal x5 [Solo-Duo][Kits-tphome-NOBP] PVE-PVP
05.12.2024 - 18:22 UTC
[EU] Mortal x5 [Solo-Duo][Kits-tphome-NOBP] PVE-PVP
28.11.2024 - 18:36 UTC
[EU] Mortal x5 [Solo-Duo][Kits-tphome-NOBP] PVE-PVP
21.11.2024 - 18:58 UTC
[EU] Mortal x5 [Solo-Duo][Kits-tphome-NOBP] PVE-PVP
14.11.2024 - 18:43 UTC
[EU] Mortal x5 [Solo-Duo][Kits-tphome-NOBP] PVE-PVP
07.11.2024 - 19:06 UTC
[EU] Mortal x5 [Solo-Duo][Kits-tphome-NOBP] PVE-PVP
31.10.2024 - 18:24 UTC
[EU] Mortal x5 [Solo-Duo][Kits-tphome-NOBP] PVE-PVP
24.10.2024 - 18:10 UTC
[EU] Mortal x5 [Solo-Duo][Kits-tphome-NOBP] PVE-PVP
17.10.2024 - 17:44 UTC
[EU] Mortal x5 [Solo-Duo][Kits-tphome-NOBP] PVE-PVP
Current Player History 3 Months 1 Month 1 Week 3 Days
Most Recent Wipe
21 days ago
05.12.2024 - 18:59 UTC
12.12.2024 - 18:33 UTC
7.0 days
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First Seen | 2 months ago |
Last Seen | 10 days ago |
Feedbacks | 0 |
Bookmarks | 0 |
Map | Mortal Fps++ (3,500) |
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Global Rank | 10,626 of 13,887 |
Region Rank | 4,048 of 5,368 |
Country Rank | 49 of 83 |
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