Procedural Map - Size: 4500 Seed: 99

This map was generated with a previous Rust version and might be outdated by now.
Rust Map: Procedural Map, Size: 4500, Seed: 99, 16 Monuments Biome Rust Map: Procedural Map, Size: 4500, Seed: 99
Oil Rig
Oil Rig
Cave Small Medium
Cave Small Easy
Cave Small Hard
Cave Small Medium
Cave Small Easy
Cave Small Easy
Cave Small Hard
Cave Medium Medium
Cave Medium Easy
Cave Small Medium
Cave Large Sewers Hard
Cave Medium Medium
Cave Small Hard
Cave Medium Medium
Cave Large Sewers Hard
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Big
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Power Sub Small
Swamp B
Swamp A
Swamp C
Water Well D
Water Well C
Water Well E
Water Well E
Water Well B
Water Well C
Water Well A
Water Well B
Water Well B
Water Well D
Water Well A
Water Well A
Mining Quarry A
Mining Quarry B
Sphere Tank
Gas Station
Gas Station
Satellite Dish
Mining Quarry C
Radtown Small
Bandit Town
Water Treatment Plant
Military Tunnel
Launch Site

This Procedural Map is a dynamically generated map, with a size of 4,500 and the seed 99.

Having 2.63 sq. km, it is a pretty large island. It is dominated by the arctic biome. There are 30.28% temperate biome, 17.66% arid biome and 52.05% arctic biome.

All main monuments are present around this Rust island. Two Oil Rigs surround the island. They can be found in the ocean southeast and southwest of the island. The Launch Site is located in the east of the map. Across the island are 3 Warehouses, 2 Gas Stations and 2 Supermarkets.

This map is currently running on one Rust server. In the past, this map was used for 8 wipes.

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Map Information

Map Procedural Map
Size 4,500
Seed 99
Last generated almost 5 years ago
Main Biome Arctic
Islands 5


Arctic Research Base
Bandit Town
Harbor (2)
Launch Site
Military Tunnel
Nuclear Missile Silo
Oil Rig (2)
Satellite Dish
Sphere Tank
Underwater Lab
Water Treatment Plant

Small Monuments

Small Caves (9)
Medium Caves (4)
Large Caves (2)
Fishing Villages
Gas Stations (2)
Radtown Small
Supermarkets (2)
Lighthouses (2)
Quarries (3)
Swamps (3)
Warehouses (3)
Water Wells (12)


Island Size 2.63 sq. km
Main Monuments 16
Temperate Biome
Arid Biome
Arctic Biome
Currently used by 1 server
Ever used on 7 servers